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Jay Merry

Brighton, UK



Apr 2018 - Present

Digital Product Designer; RSA Group

Dec 2017 - Apr 2018

Senior Hybrid Designer; HSBC / We Are Friday, London

Apr 2017 - Nov 2017
Lead UX; Bank of Ireland / Capgemini, Dublin

Sept 2016 - April 2017

Lead UX / CX & Service Design; HSBC

Jan 2016 - June 2016
Lead UX / CX & Service Design; Prudential


Dec 2014 – Dec 2015 

Lead UX for HSBC - Agency: HeathWallace

Aug 2014 - Oct 2014

UX & CRO Consultant; MoneySupermarket / MoneySavingExpert

2011 – 2014

Lead UX & Creative Designer; Simply Business



Technology In Insurance Awards:

2012 Best Mobile Site


Invision Awards & NewMedia Magazine:

  • Best Interactive Storytelling

  • Creative and Technical excellence


European Multimedia Association (EMMA) Awards:

  • Best Online Game



  • UX Concepts, Design & Prototyping

  • UI design

  • Multimedia and Interaction design – IxD

  • User / Customer research and testing

  • Wireframing (From low level Scamps through to Hi-Fidelity annotated screens)

  • User journeys, flow diagrams, task analysis and story-mapping and problem solving

  • Visual concepts & prototyping

  • Storyboarding

  • Responsive Web design

  • Mobile Tools, Comparison, and Quote/Application Design

  • Product design

  • Motion Design

  • Filming & Editing

  • Graphic design

  • UX & Design Processes inc. Lean, Agile, Waterfall



Tools & Applications


  • Axure, Balsamiq, Omnigraffle,

  • Google Analytics and Webtrends, Visual Web Optimiser (A/B + MVT),

  • Morae testing tool,

  • Adobe: Photoshop, Illustrator, Fireworks, Edge Animate (Creative interactive & animated web content in HTML 5, CSS), Premiere, After Effects, Dreamweaver,

  • Final Cut Pro, Motion,

  • MS Office and iWorks,

  • Pencil and Paper

© 2019  Troublegum Ltd

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