Simply Business - Forms
Upon joining Simply Business, a rebrand was under way, this was great news for a very tired looking site, but also meant a wealth of pages that needed reformatting, in the new look.
Simply Business also operates as a white page for a variety of well known comparison sites in the UK, as our forms changed this also required a design that could work within the constraints of the design guidelines for the other sites.
Below are 4 images that show how the same form has been used for simply business and the comparison sites.
The change from the original design to this new clean look was based on the new design guidelines. Clean design, coupled with simplistic layout allowed a much easier user experience.
The same page, but now using the guidelines to fit within the Money SuperMarket layout. As always, it is never as easy as just copy and paste, elements including fails and floating tip boxes work differently on all sites, one size never fits all.
The same page, but now using the guidelines to fit within the Go Compare layout. As always, it is never as easy as just copy and paste, elements including fails and floating tip boxes work differently on all sites, one size never fits all.